Your personal computer data is important to you. Even a modest and light home or business user shall have a few hundred megabytes of files and documents, images, music and videos stored on his or her computer.
When your desktop computer or laptop fails and you are unable to access your personal data – it can be a very frustrating and stressful situation and in some cases a total disaster. And let’s not forget the personal data we also increasingly store on our mobile smartphones today: Notably our contacts, text messages, notes, photos and videos.
In addition to a hardware or software failure, what about the unfortunate and horrible experience of either loss or theft? If your laptop or smartphone is lost or stolen – would you have a backup of your personal data somewhere safe to fall back on? A laptop and smartphone can often be replaced, software and apps can be re-installed - but your personal data is irreplaceable without a backup.
Unless you have no qualms about the loss of your personal computer data in the event of hardware, or software failures, device loss or theft - you should routinely backup your most important personal data to some type of external media or removable storage device - such as: CDs, DVDs, USB Flash Drives and Portable External Hard Drives. This “backup” should then be kept somewhere safe and secure.
Further, you should consider either supplanting or supplementing your backup routine using one of the numerous cloud-based backup services that are now available to both consumers and small businesses - now that broadband upload speeds have increased with the proliferation of cable and fibre services – especially in metropolitan locations.
And smartphone users should backup the contents of their device to a computer regularly and/or use the automatic cloud-based backup services available (often for free) to them.
If your desktop computer or laptop suffers from some kind of failure and you are unable to access your data, Savoir Technology can assist you in accessing and recovering your data in most cases. Savoir Technology can also advise and assist you in setting up a backup routine and backing up all your personal data. For peace of mind, back up all your important data regularly. Don’t leave it to chance.
Mon to Sat: 9am to 6pm
Sundays: Subject to Availability
Excluding Public Holidays